I am Leigh Ann Orsi
I have lived an extraordinary life with fantastical experiences of great pleasure and those of deep pain.
I want to encourage others to never let your story stop you from the pursuit of what you want.
Believing that you CAN is the first step to living your dreams.
I am Leigh Ann Orsi
I have lived an extraordinary life with fantastical experiences of great pleasure and those of deep pain.
I want to encourage others to never let your story stop you from the pursuit of what you want.
Believing that you CAN is the first step to living your dreams.

On my journey
I have experienced profound loss and failure.
Family rupture, isolation, financial hardship, codependency with drug addicts, divorce, public criticism, family estrangement, debt and more.
I have also been fortunate enough to experience major successes in my life.
I had an acting career with starring roles in films, the privilege to perform alongside stars like Brad Pitt, a role on the #1 sitcom in America, and over 100 commercials before I was 14 years old.
In my 20s, I became a successful entrepreneur, opening a dance studio in Hollywood, California. I helped to develop a new form of fitness and performance art. I traveled the world teaching women to be bold and strong and to express their sensuality.
I created and produced a one-of-a-kind stage show that featured 100 performers a night and performed to sold-out audiences in Hollywood and Las Vegas for 10 years.
I was married to a handsome and popular man in a beautiful ceremony in front of friends and family on the beach in Mexico.

It looked on the outside like everything was perfect for me and that I had everything under control.
Underneath the cover of perfection, I was suffering chaotic financial and emotional realities. Every moment, there was the threat that it would all collapse, and I hoped every day for a miracle that would save me and magically catapult me to “success” as thought that was a magical land one you just fall into.
The funny thing is I did receive multiple miracles that should have changed my life, but I ended up in the same desperate situation no matter what. The answer was I had to change, not the outside world.
I chose to leave my marriage and walked away from the home, the community, and life I had known. Instead of being bitter, I chose to heal and grow and dedicate myself to becoming better every single day.
I was alone at 35, I had no children, I was starting over deep in debt, and way behind where I thought I would be in life.
I started to focus on what was necessary for long-term satisfaction. I made decisions that brought me peace and security instead of pleasure or distraction.

To achieve that, I started digging into all the practices that could improve one’s life.
I made my bed every day, developed a meditation practice, experimented with fasting, started lifting weights, participated in plant medicine ceremonies, journaled, listened to podcasts, and read books on areas I wanted to grow.
I disentangled myself from the people who were not growing or living the way that I aspired to live. I left behind ideas that were limiting me. I spent a lot of quiet time with myself.
I faced my financial issues head-on, eventually paying off $100,000 of debt and 10 years of back taxes. I learned to manage my space, my schedule, and my personal presentation.
I got in the best shape of my life, moved to a new city, and made a new group of friends that I admired and could raise me. I fell in love with and earned the love of amazing man that reflected my values and lived and grew in a way I wanted to live. I learned to prioritize my emotional and physical well-being over the people-pleasing and chaos-creating practices that left nothing for me.
I found a method to focus on and create the things I want in my life on the inside and the outside. I still learn and grow and calibrate my life each day.